North Central Connecticut Golf League
A 2-Person League that emphasizes flexibility! You and your partner choose your "best 3" windows of time that you can play - submit to Copper Hill - we will set up your matches with other teams that have similar schedules. 16 week league with playoffs.
Dates & Times - Flexible
Learn More or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information
Monday Night Ladies League
This is an after work fun league run by the Copper Hill pro shop staff. Different fun formats each week. This is a NO COMMITMENT league, meaning you can come as your schedule allows. Bring friends and make your own group or join in with existing groups - very welcoming atmosphere. Opportunity to win pro shop credit each week!
Dates & Times - Mondays 4:00 to 5:25 PM
How do I join? email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thursday Senior League
Thursday mornings ages 55 and over. Copper Hill pro shop staff puts together a series of fun events, some are team events, many are individual, $2 pay-in each week is distributed to winners in the form of greens fees or cart fees. Opportunity to win pro shop credit each week!
Dates & Times - Thursdays 8:00 to 9:00 AM
How do I join? email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Copper Hill Weds Morning Ladies League
Copper Hill's Wednesday morning ladies league has a rich history and embraces some of the more traditional events that you would often see in a club league, a club championship, a president's cup, and weekly events. For more information call the club at 860-653-6191
Dates & Times Wednesdays 8:45 April to Sept
Spark League
Spark Golf leagues are 9-hole, social golf leagues that are played under a relaxed set of rules to make the experience casual and fun with a touch of friendly competition.
Dates & Times - Tuesdays approx 510 to 5:40 PM
How do I join? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Beginner Golf League
Learn it with others that are just starting out! This league is run in conjunction with the many instructional programs that are run at Copper Hill in the spring to give players a springboard from lesson tee to the golf course - but anyone who is 'a little unsure' is welcome to join in! Completely non-competitive, this is just organized practice and experience building.... bridging that gap an calming the anxiousness that can sometime come with starting up this great game. We promise that once you try it a few times, it's not so challenging!
Dates & Times - Mondays 5:30 PM (check for exact start date)
How do I join? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There are also openings in the "BallBusters" 2- Man League on Tuesday nights --- call for info
Other Golf Leagues at Copper Hill